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Inside This Issue:

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Inclusion: It's about Being Kind – It's not Complicated!

I recently had the pleasure and honor of being in an intentionally inclusive space. The culture was consistently demonstrated through the words of actions of volunteers. Participants were lovingly educated about the group's values before and during the event. In the words of my mother, "the whole world should be like that." Right? Why is it so complicated to just be kind, welcoming, and understanding toward each other.

Yet, apparently it is. One person at the event consistently demonstrated disrespect toward other people and then made an ungraceful exit after declaring that it was not the right space for her. I appreciate that she recognized she did not belong in this space, and respect her values and beliefs that contributed to this realization. But that does not give her, or anyone else, license to be degrading toward other people.

I've been reflecting a lot about this event and my experiences there, leading to the thoughts below about how to deal with the discomfort of culture shock. I will keep these in mind when I enter a culture that is uncomfortable to me, as I often do - and so many of us do in these divided times.

  • Respect the full humanity of other people and believe and honor what they tell you about themselves

  • Sit with the discomfort and allow it to move something within you

  • Ask questions from a place of curiosity

  • It is easy to demonstrate lovingkindness toward others, even if you don't fully understand them

  • If you feel physically or emotionally unsafe, it's OK to leave

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What She Said

The most healthy thing is to be true to your own self… but also, that you have a right to express what you see and what you feel and what you think. To be bold. To be as bold with your vision as you can possibly be.


Alice WalkerPulitzer Prize-winning author


For friends in Pennsylvania, PennFutures has published a helpful guide about how to influence land use decisions.

Want to center relationships in your work? You'll love this guide from Relationships Project.

Blueprints for Change is offering a Grassroots Support Resource Library with all kinds of neat stuff including a knowledge roundup about conflict and a storytelling for deep impact course.

If you missed We Are Feminist Leaders' Feminist Leadership Under Construction series last year, you can now view the videos online. 

Nana Darkoa Sekyiamah shares insight into why it is important to fund feminist organizations in a podcast from The New Humanitarian.

Art Supply

Art News and Resources

I recently reconnected wtih the Guerilla Girls' work. Check out their manifesta for art museums.

Learn how the bicycle influenced women's fashion.

I loved watching Ladies and gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains way back when. If you never saw it, here is a preview.

The Brooklyn Museum is exhibiting the work of 50 women photographers.

An interview with the director of Dear Mama reveals the feminist influence of Amen Shakur.

Learn about the history of women's activism through art.

If every designer were a feminist our world would look and feel so different.

Learn about Spiderwoman Theater, a feminist Indigenous ensemble.


From May 2 to 4, you can join the In Solidarity We Rise 2024 conference hosted by Justice + Joy National Collaborative

On June 13-15, the National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation is hosting the Frontiers of Democracy conference.

The International Leadership Association's Philosophy, Religion, and Worldview member community is holding a hybrid conference on June 27 and 28. 

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Thank you to Lilith & Jane, sponsor of this month's Fruition Journal.

I found this study about 18 to 24 year old women from the Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women interesting. It would be even more interesting to see how political ideology interacts with these topics through a broader sample.

WNY Women's Foundation has published a report showing progress over the past 25 years.

Do feminists hate men? This research dismantles that myth.


I don't have any specific, external opportunities to share with you this month. Instead, I'm offering a few ideas to promote healthy vibes:

  • Drink enough water

  • Stretch every day - even if you don't feel like you have to

  • Take five minutes to breathe, meditate, pray, or experience quietude every day

  • Connect with other people and nature on a regular basis

  • Use products with ingredients in their natural form

  • Eat a rainbow each day

  • Lovingly accept yourself as you are

  • Be disciplined about practicing creativity

  • Resist stagnation - move more and let go of toxic habits and thoughts

  • Wander

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