The Found Poems
While a student at Allentown College of St. Francis de Sales (now DeSales University) in the mid-1990s, I wrote several poems. Many of them were either too morbid or too corny (or both) to share how — even more so than those written below.
Poem 18
I was sitting in a bus station wearing cheap drugstore perfume
When I realized that it didn’t matter where I had been
But it is really important where I am going
Day after day my journey through life grows richer with experience
And I feel more content with what I have and
Yet more assured of who I am
(Note: by the way, this is not a true story)
I wish that time could stand still
Just for a few perfect moments
These would be saved for the special times
That slowly fade from our memories
Like birds moving on to another tree
Long ago I knew something well
That now is a dream to me
Was this meant to be
Or is this just a cruel manifestation
Of my selfishness staring back at me
Disconnecting me from the world
That I push away in pitiless disgust
As if there were no hope
In those sweet little birds
Poem 12
Sticking my fingers through the cracks
Of my glass case
I fear that someone will try to cut off my fingers and
Maim me for life
There is no thing, no person to
Protect me
When I shove my fist through the back wall
And feel the blood run down my arm
Weakened by my false bravery
And never to find security
Long ago I shrunk inside
Afraid to even peek outside
The case of glass
Frightened by disturbing images
Feigned obscene by tragic experiences
When somebody looked at me, looked inside
I could not help but cry out
I was even more afraid when
Nobody heard me
So nobody became my friend
Looking at the shattered glass on the ground
I am confused by the mess I have created
Fragments of time, empty of love
Spread out waiting to be picked up
Holding the glass in may hands
I am thankful to be alive
Happy to know I exist, that I am a
Human being who walks among human beings
With the wind against my face and
A piece of glass in my back pocket
Lost Inside
Life in the box
Is very sad and lonely
Days go in and out
The sun rises and sets again
But everything is still the same
Inside the box
We are confined to our misconceptions
Our dreams get in the way of
Our achievements
We forget who we are in a hurry
To get out of the box
We lie, cheat, steal, murder
Anything to bust out
But the box gets smaller
The lids gets sealed with glue
And we are shipped off to
Unknown destinations
For when we lie to others
Mostly we are lying to ourselves
Not content with the simple things
The things that know their way
Outside of the box
The tiny little box
The further we reach outside the box
The more we are shoved inn
The further away we travel from the truth
Still in the box
Locked in, choking, gasping for air
Dying in the small, ugly box
The very box that we ourselves created
In spite of our foolish selves
Sometimes the world around you seems to fade
Into another dimension of existence
It feels like nothing matters and
It feels like everything does
It would seem easier to hide from
This strange monstrosity
The passion and diversity of life
Which will so easily suck away our ability to
Appreciate it
Sometimes it would seem life defeats its own purpose
And so to rebel is to be free
But you must not slip away from life
Or from the people and things that you love
Put out your hands and feel the wind
Embrace the many joys of life and you will grow stronger
And better able to combat the fears and doubts that it brings
Do not forget who you are or
Why you were created
Bright as Sunshine
How insignificant is the little speck in my ceiling
Longing to be noticed in its speckled flock
Against all the others yet the same as them in appearance and material
What would make this tiny, little dot special to me or to anyone else?
Maybe I’ll paint it yellow so that
I’ll always know it’s there
And when I see that little dot on my ceiling
I will be reminded of my own insignificance
In the world of omnipotent beings
Yet I will know that I am special
Not because I am yellow or
Because I stand out from all the rest
But because I am not alone
I belong to the flock of specks
I am a part of it and it is a part of me
I am special because others can know me as they know themselves.
I might rent an apartment in Paris for the summer
Gazing upon the courtyard I will write about
Lonely nights in cafes
Ending in a stranger’s arms
Laughing, loving, and living
I might stroll the streets of Paris this summer
Collecting rare gems I adore
Sipping wine with my lunch and
Sauntering about in the pleasant rays
I may endure many rainstorms by
Paris is always there
Waiting for me, yearning for me,
As I yearn for her
And I wait for her
Here in my home with the cracked window
Running away, away,
And sipping wine with my lunch
Thank You
Where am I
The world I once dreamed of
Seems so far away
It’s oh so lonely at the top of the game
The world I once dreamed of seems
Far less interesting now
So many mysteries uncovered
But at least the mountains still aren’t moving
There is a clear boundary between life and death
And all things will go on
With or without me
Knowing this, I feel grounded
Bound to the earth by her
Tempestuous force
Looking for Love
I always feel lethargic and fatigued
For no reason that makes sense to me
The root of this great sadness in my life
Is deeply hidden beneath the ground
In one hundred different holes and
I don’t know where to start digging
I start on one but then move on to another
In a panic that I will never get anything done
And in fear that no one will ever love me
Despite this great anxiety and frustration,
I will never stop trying to find myself
Hidden away in so many places
How desperate I must be to come back to life
How deeply I long for this resurrection
It seems like the harder I try the
Further away the remnants are
And the longer it will be until we are reunited
So I can be whole again
So that I can be bright and aroused
Ready to plant little seeds
To sprout from this earth in my tidy garden
The beautiful colors and sweet nectar will be
Alive and full of life
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